Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Family Health Assessment Essay

Conducting a family health assessment utilizing a functional health patterns assessment is the first step in the nursing process to create health care plans for the individual or family. A thorough assessment lays the groundwork to promote family health. (Mandle, 2010, p. 175)The purpose of this paper is to look at one families view of their health and develop two wellness nursing diagnoses. The author developed several questions relating to each of Gordon’s eleven functional health patterns to use in the family interview. The family chosen for this assignment is composed of a grandmother 55 years of age and her grandson age thirteen and granddaughter age fifteen. The family resides in a rural setting in Arizona. The grandmother has had guardianship of her grandchildren for twelve years. Health perception and management focuses on the individuals perceived health and well-being, and on health maintenance practices. (Koshar, n. d. ) The family perceives their overall health to be good. The grandmother reports no chronic health conditions and considers herself to be in good health for her age. The children are healthy and have not experienced any serious illness or injuries thus far. All family members are current on immunizations, receive annual age appropriate health screens and dental exams and cleanings. The grandmother drinks alcohol socially on occasion but not to excess. She has been tobacco free for two years. The grandchildren both state they have not experimented with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. They state they are aware of the dangers and health hazards of drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. The grandmother and children take an age appropriate vitamin supplement daily. Over the counter remedies for minor illness such as colds and flu are used when needed. Nutrition and Metabolism focuses on how the family consumes food and fluid in relation to metabolic need. (Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother tries to encourage healthy eating habits. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, low fat dairy products and lean meats are served on a regular basis. Milk, water, juices and herbal iced tea are beverages drank in the home. Soda is bought on occasion as a special treat. Most evening meals are eaten in the home. The family usually eats out once a week. The children are both at a healthy weight and are considered to be of average height and weight for their age. The grandmother is slightly overweight. All family members appear well nourished and hydrated. Elimination focuses on excretory patterns to include bowel, bladder and skin. (Koshar, n. d. )The children report no problems with elimination. The grandmother states she occasionally has trouble with constipation and will drink prune juice to help relieve constipation. She states she does not have problems with incontinence or bladder retention. Activity and exercise focuses on the activities of daily living including exercise and leisure activities. (Koshar, n. d. )The family enjoys a wide variety of physical activities. Physical activity is tolerated well. The family rides their horses several times weekly. The grandmother and granddaughter barrel race on a competitive level two to three times monthly. The children are active in 4-H and FFA. The grandson plays football during the school year. The grandmother would like to join a health club to exercise on a more regular basis but does not feel she has the time to do so. Cognition and Perception focuses on one’s ability to comprehend and utilize information and on the sensory functions. (Koshar, n. d. ) Both children do well in school. They do not have any learning disabilities. Hearing and vision are fine. The grandmother uses glasses for reading only and does not have any other sensory deficits. Sleep and rest focuses on an individual’s sleep, rest and relaxation patterns. The children average eight to nine hours sleep nightly. Both children state they feel well rested and are not tired during the day. The grandmother sleeps five to six hours a night during the work week. She states she has trouble occasionally falling asleep at night. The grandmother at times feels fatigued during the day. To relax the grandmother likes to read and spend time outdoors. The children read and watch TV to relax. Self-perception and self-concept focuses on how an individual perceives their identity, body image and self-worth. (Koshar, n. d. ) The children both expressed that they saw themselves as â€Å"normal teenagers†. They stated they are happy living with their grandmother and feel loved and cared for. The granddaughter sees herself as an attractive person and is happy with the way she looks. She sees herself as â€Å"popular† at school and states she has many friends. She believes she could do better in school, if she tried harder but states she is too busy with her horses and friends. The grandson sees himself as average. He states he would like to â€Å"work out more , to build more muscle†. He said he gets along well at school, but sometimes feels shy around people he does not know. He is very proud that he made high honor roll all four quarters this past year at school. The grandmother sees herself as a good caring person. She is happy with her life and feels blessed that she is able to take care of her grandchildren. She is self conscious about being overweight but otherwise considers herself to be an attractive person. Roles and Relationships focuses on the individuals role in the world and how one relates with others. (Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother as the primary caregiver fulfills the role of parent in the family. The children’s natural parents live out of state. The children visit them in the summer months and holidays are usually spent together at the grandmothers home. Although there has been role reversal between the grandparent and parents the family interacts well together and has a close supportive loving relationship. Sexuality and reproduction focuses on the individuals satisfaction or dissatisfaction with sexuality and reproduction functions(Koshar, n. d. ) The grandmother is post-menopausal. She is not sexually active at the present time. The children are not sexually active. They are aware of safe sex practices to prevent pregnancy and stds. The grandson states he is not really interested in girls yet. He is just beginning to go through the developmental changes of puberty. The granddaughter is well developed for her age and began menstruating at twelve years of age. Coping and stress tolerance focuses on the individuals view of stress and coping strategies. The main stressful issue in the home is trying to balance work, school and social activities in a single parent home. The grandmother in addition to working full time as a RN is now attending school online full time. She feels over whelmed at times trying to find the time and recourses to get the children to their various social activities. She has started to rely more on friends to help with transportation needs. The children have been supportive and have started helping out more with household chores. The family relies on one another, friends and extended family members for support. Values and belief. The grandmother has a strong work ethic and believes in the value of a good education. She believes it is important to be a productive member of society . She encourages her grandchildren to think for themselves and be respectful and kind to others. The family does not attend church on a regular basis, however they do consider themselves Christian. The first wellness nursing diagnosis selected for the family is Readiness for enhanced activity-exercise pattern(Weber, 2005) due to the grandmother and grandson both expressing an interest in increasing their physical activity and desiring to me more physical fit. The second diagnosis selected is Caregiver role strain(Weber) related to the grandmother experiencing stress trying to balance work, school, and raising grandchildren in a single parent role.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Project Management and Project Management It

Examination Paper: Project Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper Project Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of multiple choices questions and short answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each and Part Two questions carry 5 marks each. Part One: Multiple choices: 1. During _________formal tools and techniques were developed to help and manage large complex projects. a. 1950s b. 1980s c. 1920s d. 1990s 2. PERT stands for: a. Program Evaluation and Reverse Technique b.Progress Evaluation and Review Technique c. Program Evaluation and Review Technique d. None of the above 3. The most basic model of any Operating System is: a. Project Model b. Input-output model c. Output-input model d. None of the above 4. Overall complexity = a. Organizational complexity*resource complexity*technical complexity b. Organizational complexity+technical complexity-resource comple xity c. Technical complexity+resource complexity/organizational complexity d. Organizational complexity*resource complexity/technical complexity 5.Relevant areas of the APM body of knowledge are: a. Quality Management b. Budgeting and cost Management c. Project Cost Management d. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ MM. 100 1 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper: Project Management 6. Costs associated with the planning process include: a. Planer’s tools b. Opportunity cost c. Planned labour and associated expenses d. All of the above 7. CPA stands for: a. Critical Path Analysis b. Common Path Analysis c. Critical Path Algorithm d. Common Problem Analysis 8. The project duration with the normal activity time is ____days. . 11 b. 16 c. 17 d. 21 9. The nature of the work organization is important as it: a. Defines responsibility and authority b. Outlines reporting arrangements c. Determines the management overhead d. All of the above 10. Matrix Managemen t was invented by a. Mullins b. Belbin c. Drucker d. Frederick Taylor Part Two: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define ‘Cost Estimating Techniques’. Write a note on ‘Critical Path Analysis’. Differentiate between General Management and Project Management. What is ‘Team Life Cycle’? END OF SECTION A 2 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper: Project Management Section B: Caselets (40 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of Caselets. Answer all the questions. Each Caselet carries 20 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). Caselet 1 It’s a Risky Business Four friends wanted to start a business. After much discussion, they had hit upon the idea of launch a mail-order toys and games business. They were in the development stage of their business plan and wanted to be sure that they had been through with their planning.To reinforce this, they had just received a letter fr om a group of venture capitalists, agreeing to fund the start up. It concluded its review of their plan by stating: The business plan presents a credible opportunity for all involved and we are prepared to approve the funding request, subject to a risk analysis being carried out on the project to start the business. The group was stunned-the funding that they had been hoping for was suddenly a reality. Just one thing stood in their way- that damned risk analysis process. They started with identifying the key risk elements that could face the business during in start up phase.They considered the process between the time that they received the funding and day one of trading. What could possibly go wrong? Lots of things. They brainstormed the possibilities and recorded them. They then considered the effect that these would have on the project as a whole. The list they generated prothings going wrong and not enough making sure that the positive steps towards the business opening were ha ppening. They needed to priorities’ the events. As importantly, what would happen, when they eventually occurred? Who would be responsible for each of them? On what asis could they rank each risk, in order to identify the most important risks for which they would develop mitigation and ownership? They decided to use a table to show the risk event, the likelihood, the severity and by multiplying the two providing a risk priority number (RPN). This would the allow ranking of the risk elements. For the three highest ranked elements, the group then generates a mitigation process with someone in the group taking ownership of that process. As can be seen, the top three risks were identified and mitigation tasks put in place to either prevent the risk event happening or to reduce its effect.The initials of the ‘owners’ of that risk in the last column show who has agreed to monitor that set of events and ensure that the mitigation is put into place before the project suf fers from that event occurring. Questions: 1. What further methods could have been used to generate ideas for the identification part of the risk process? 2. What should happen as the project progresses to manage risk? 3 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper: Project Management Caselet 2 Fast-track Product Redevelopment at Instron Background Instron designs and manufactures machines for testing the properties of all types of material.One particular plastic testing instrument has been selling around 250 units per year worldwide. In 1992 at the height of the recession, with margins being squeezed and sales volume dropping, Instron decided to redesign the instrument to reduce its cost and make it easier to manufacture. The Project Instron began to undertake change in the late 1980s, which included a programme to institute concurrent new product development. This was accompanied by pressure for cost reduction, the introduction of manufacturing changes, and the breaking of the firm into business teams.The team was highly transient and changing environment, there were few restrictions on the way the redesign project had to be handled. It was one of the first projects in Instron to be run from the beginning as a concurrent engineering project. A small multi-functional team was formed, consisting of a manufacturing engineer, a design engineer, a marketing engineer and a draughtsman. The design rief was to improve the ease of manufacture of the product such tat a cost reduction of 20 percent could be achieved. The team was co-located in an area adjacent to the manufacturing facility.Although there was some initial resistance, the comment was made that ‘they don’t know how they ever worked without it’. The ease of communication and sharing of ideas became a more natural part of working life. Adverse Effects The principles of concurrency were, in general, favorably accepted by departments downstream of the design process and with som e notable exceptions, unfavorably viewed by the design department. Individuals had concurrency imposed on them in the initial projects selected; be tried out. Senior management staff was selected as champions of the cause, with the objective of overcoming the resistance to change that existed.This came in a number of forms: 1. Passive resistance- summarized as ‘don’t show reluctance to apply the new ideas, attend all the group meetings, nod in agreement, then carry on as before. 2. Active resistance- ‘do what you like, but don’t ask me to do it’ 3. Undermining the initiative- through overstating the apparent problems. They began by carrying out brainstorming sessions with manufacturing engineers, buyers, members of the shop floor, suppliers and additional design engineers, to find new and innovative ways to improve the product.The outcome of these investigations was to draw up a list of areas where improvements were thought possible. The Benefits Ach ieved The results of this team’s action were: †¢ Cost reduced by 49 percent †¢ Product range rationalized from 12 to 2 versions †¢ Unique part count reduced from 141 to 98 and total number of parts reduced from 300 to 189 †¢ Assembly/machining time reduced by 55 percent †¢ Project completed on time, with last version being released in April 1994. Once operational, few problems were encountered and those that did occur were minor in nature.The success was attributed by the firm to two decisions: †¢ The selection of the right project- one that made it easy to demonstrate concurrency †¢ The selection of the right people- those who were prepared to be open-minded and have some enthusiasm for the changes. The company now views this as a simple project that restored the profitability of an established product through the use of innovation, ingenuity and new design techniques by the whole concurrent team. What 4 IIBM Institute of Business Managemen tExamination Paper: Project Management is also clear is that the product was subject to technical change in only one area- the materials used. The other benefits have all been due to the approach tat the firm’s management has taken to its new product development (NPD) Process. The firm felt that the project has been a success and that this method of working would become an institutionalized methodology. Questions: 1. Identify the steps the firm took in this project. How did this contribute to the success? 2.How might the main adverse effects be identified? END OF SECTION B Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of Applied Theory Questions. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 1. What is the role of strategy in Project Management? 2. Identify the different roles that cost, price and profit can play in determining proje ct costs. END OF SECTION C 5 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper: Project Management IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper Project Management in IT Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of multiple choice questions and short notes type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each and Part two questions carry 5 marks each. MM. 100 Part One: Multiple choices: 1. The knowledge areas of Project Management Process Group are: a. Planning and Initiating b. Executing and Closing c.Monitoring and Controlling d. All of the above 2. To create a successful project, a project manager must consider: a. Scope b. Time c. Cost d. All of the above 3. Which one of the following is not involved in the top ten skills or competencies of an effective project manager: a. People skills b. Leadership c. Integrity d. Technical skills 4. Another name of a phase exit is a _______ point. a. Review b. St age c. Meeting d. Kill 5. Which process group includes activities from each of the nine knowledge areas? a. Initiating b.Planning c. Executing d. Closing 6 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper: Project Management 6. The project team works together to create the ______. a. Scope statement b. WBS c. WBS dictionary d. Work package 7. __________ is a network diagramming technique used to predict total project duration. a. PERT b. A Gantt chart c. Critical Path Method d. Crashing 8. Which of the following is not a key output of project cost management: a. A cost estimate b. A cost management plan c. A cost baseline d.None of the above 9. CMMI Stands for: a. Capability Maturity Model Integration b. Complex Maturity Model Integration c. Common Maturity Model Information d. Capability Maturity Model Information 10. A proposal evaluation sheet is an example of: a. RFP b. NPV analysis c. Earned value analysis d. Weighted scoring model Part Two: 1. Define Product Life Cycle. 2. What is Project Integration Model? 3. Write a note on Gantt charts. 4. What is Project Quality Management? END OF SECTION A 7 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper: Project Management Section B: Caselets (40 marks) This section consists of Caselets. Answer all the questions. Each Caselet carries 20 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Caselet 1 A preliminary estimate of costs for the entire project is $140,000. This estimate is based on the project manager working about 20 hours per week for six months and other internal staff working a total of about 60 hours per week for six months.The customer representatives would not be paid for their assistance. A staff project manager would earn $50 per hour. The hourly rate for the other project team member would be $70 per hour, since some hours normally billed to clients may be needed for this project. The initial cost estimate al so includes $10,000 for purchasing software & services from suppliers. After the project is completed, maintenance costs of $40,000 are included for each year, primarily to update the information and coordinate the â€Å"Ask the Expert† feature and online articles.Projected benefits are based on a reduction in hours consultants spend researching project management information, appropriate tools and templates, and so on. Projected benefits are also based on a small increase in profits due to new business generated by this project. If each of more than 400 consultants saved just 40 hours each year (less than one hour per week) and could bill that time to other projects that generate a conservative estimate of $10 per hour in profits, then the projected benefit would be $160,000 per year.If the new intranet increased business by just 1 percent, using past profit information, increased profits due to new business would be at least $40,000 each year. Total projected benefits, ther efore, are about $200,000 per year. Exhibit A summarizes the projected costs and benefits and shows the estimated net percent value (NPV), return on investment (ROI), and year in which payback occurs. It also lists assumptions made in performing this preliminary financial analysis. All of the financial estimates are very encouraging.The estimate payback is within one year, as requested by the sponsor. The NPV is $272,800, and the discounted ROI based on a three-year system life is excellent at 112 percent. Discount rate 8% Assume the Year project is done in about is months 0 Costs 140,000 Discount 1 factor Discounted 140,000 costs Benefits Discount factor Discounted benefits Discounted 0 1 0 1 40,000 0. 93 37,037 2 40,000 0. 86 34,294 3 40,000 0. 79 31,753 Total 243,084 200,000 0. 93 186,185 200,000 0. 86 171,468 200,000 0. 79 158,766 515,419 (140,000) 148,148 137,174 127,013 8 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper: Project Management benefits – costs Cumulat ive (140,000) benefits-costs Payback year 1 112% Discounted life cycle ROI—Assumptions Costs PM (500hours, $50/hour) Staff (1500 hours, $70/hour) Outsourced software & services Total project costs (all applied in year 0) Benefits # consultants Hours saved $/hour profit Benefits from saving time Benefits from 1% increase in profits Total annual projected benefits Questions: 1. What according to you are the factors that can hamper the profit growth related with the project? 2. Mention some strategies to further improve the project’s turnover. ,148 in 145,322 272,336 NVP #hours 25,000 105,000 10,000 140,000 400 40 10 160,000 40,000 200,000 9 IIBM Institute of Business Management Examination Paper: Project Management Caselet 2 Many organizations spend a great deal of time and money on training efforts for general project management skills, but after the training, project managers may still not know how to tailor their project management skills to the organization’s particular needs. Because of this problem, some organizations develop their own internal information technology project management methodologies.The PMBOKR Guide is a standard that describes best practices for what should be done to manage a project. A methodology describes how things should be done, and different organizations often have different ways of doing things. For example, after implementing a systems development life cycle (SDLC) at Blue Cross Shield of Michigan, the Methods department became aware that developers and project managers were often working on different information technology project in different ways. Deliverables were often missing or looked different from project to project.They may have all had a project charter, status report, technical documents (i. e. , database design documents, user interface requirements, and so on), but how they were producing and delivering these deliverables was different. There was a general lack of consistency and a need for st andards to guide both new and experienced project managers. Top management decides to authorize funds to develop a methodology for project managers that could also become the basis for information technology project management training within the organization.It was also part of an overall effort to help raise the company’s Software Capability Maturity Model level. BlueCross BlueShield of Michigan launched a three-month project to develop its own project management methodology. Some of the project team members had already received PMP certification, so they decided to base their methodology on the PMBOKR Guide 2000, making adjustment as needed to best describe how their organization managed information technology projects.See a complete article on this project on the companion Web site for this text. Also see the Suggested Reading to review the State of Michigan Project Management Methodology, which provides another good example of an information technology project management methodology. Many organizations include project management in their methodologies for managing Six Sigma projects. Other organizations include project management in their software development methodologies, such as the Rational Unified Process (RUP) framework.RUP is an interactive software development process that focuses on team productivity and delivers software best practices to all team members. According to RUP expert Bill Cottrell, â€Å"RUP embodies industry-standard management and technical methods and techniques to provide a software engineering process particularly suited to creating and maintaining componentbased software system solutions,† Cottrell explains that you can tailor RUP to include the PMBOK process groups.Specifically, IBM Rational, the creators of RUP, found that it could adjust RUP input artifacts with PMBOK process inputs, RUP steps with PMBOK process tools and techniques, and RUP resulting artifacts with PMBOK process outputs. Questions: 1. Accordi ng to you what are the skills that needed for the project management of an organization? 2. How the six sigma project became a helpful tool in very sophisticated kind of project management? END OF SECTION B 10 IIBM Institute of Business ManagementExamination Paper: Project Management Section C: Applied Theory (30 marks) †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ This section consists of Applied Theory Questions. Answer all the questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). 1. What is cost? What is the importance of Project cost Management and explain basic principles of Cost Management. 2. Define the following: a. Resource Histograms b. Project Communication Management END OF SECTION C S-2-260211 11 IIBM Institute of Business Management

Film Analysis on There Will Be Blood and the Bicycle Theif Essay

Ladri di Biciclette and There will be Blood Character Analysis Ladri di Biciclette takes place in 1948 post-World War II Rome and is considered one of the best works of Italian Neorealism. There will be Blood is an American drama film set in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It is considered one of the best films ever created. Despite their many differences, these two films share plenty of common ground. The theme of these two powerfully inspiring movies is that of a broken relationship between a father and a son. Ladri di Biciclette is one of the few films that do not follow the hero cycle. At no point in the plot does Antonio Ricci, played by Lamberto Maggiorani, ever redeem himself. Instead, he plummets down to the shocking level of stealing another’s bicycle. It is at this point in the story line Bruno, his son played my Enzo Staiola, will forever see his father differently. When Antonio slaps Bruno, Bruno’s world changes drastically. He has never been treated so harshly like this by his father, someone he loves and trusts dearly. This is the first time his perfect image of his dad is shattered. Even though Antonio is put in multiple moral situations, he truly loves and cares for his son. For example, when he hears the cries of a little boy drowning he rushes over to the commotion worried the little boy is Bruno. Fortunately, the boy is not Bruno and he picks up his son in a tight embrace. There are some moments in the film where Antonio forgets his son is with him. For instance, when he spies the thief he will run after him not thinking of his son and whether or not he will get lost trying to keep up in the chase. Still, he will look down to his son and ask if he is tired or hungry. Then he accommodates to the little boy’s needs. Antonio is trying to provide the best life possible for his family even if it meant doing something morally incriminating. Although his father has treat him wrong a few times, Bruno knows how stressful of a situation his father is in and tries to keep his dad in good spirits. In the last scene Antonio has a blank stare and is fighting the urge to cry. Bruno, watching his father, takes his hand. As Antonio looks at Bruno, the camera watches as they disappear into the crowd. They know that the bicycle will never be found, and the defeat can clearly be seen in Antonio’s blank stare. In There will be Blood Daniel Plainview, brilliantly acted by Daniel Day-Lewis, adopts one of his deceased  worker’s o rphaned son, played by Dillon Freasier. Plainview names his son H.W. and he becomes Plainview’s business â€Å"partner†. Later, his son loses his hearing in a drilling accident. Daniel boards a train with his boy and gets up, not looking back as he abandons the train and his child. Daniel doesn’t really feel a loss when sending his son away since the kid is not blood related. He feels H.W. does not have any of his qualities or personality. He eventually reunites with his son, who has now steadily built resentment for his father. H.W.’s teacher and interpreter becomes his new father figure in life as he and Daniel drift apart with his taking to be a drunkard and his more aggressive behavior. In one of the last scenes H.W., played by Russell Harvard) has married his childhood sweetheart and is visiting his now wealthy father to discuss ending their partnership and starting his own oil company in Mexico. Daniel mocks his son and tells H.W. that he is an orphan by saying, â€Å"You’re an orphan from a basket in the middle of the desert. And I took you for no other reason than I needed a sweet face to buy land. Did you get that? Now you know. Look at me. You’re lower than a bastard. You have none of me in you. You’re just a bastard from a basket.† H.W. leaves his father with no regrets and tells his â€Å"father† he is glad he doesn’t have any of Daniel in himself. Clearly these two have had relationship problems from the beginning. H.W. loved and idolized Daniel Plainview, even though the love was usually not returned. His deep interest for oil drilling started and grew all because of Daniel, and for that reason he was grateful and still loved his father, Plainview. Plainview only cared about money and power, so when his son lost hearing, due to the explosion at the oil site, he simply thought of the money he would make not about the well bein g of his only child. When he leaves his child to help with the fire, H.W. for the first time is lost, confounded, scared, and feels betrayed as his father lets go of him, leaving him in the dark with unanswered questions. Daniel Plainview never realizes that even though H.W. is not blood related he still raised, cared, and provided for this â€Å"bastard from a basket†. In both films the two father figures struggle with the yearning for power, money, social gain, and their ambition. Antonio cannot stop thinking of the money he would make if his bicycle is found. He thinks of the different life style he and his family would get to live with the salary he would be making. Anderson, the director of There will be Blood, was inspired by the fact that Sierra  Madre is â€Å"about greed and ambition and paranoia and looking at the worst parts of yourself†. All of those traits can easily be found in Daniel Plainview. Daniel even admits to his half brother’s imposter that he has this hatred and competition in himself. The character Daniel Plainview shows the savagery and obsession in humanity by draining the land of its natural resources for power and wealth. There will be Blood not only addresses the broken father son relationship but also the dark heart of free enterprise. It displays the inner workings of capitalism and how not only gain but domination is the ultimate goal in this grand scheme called politics. These two films are great influences in not only the film industry but also give great messages about life. Neither of the films follow the hero cycle and  the fathers never redeem themselves. This adds to the magnitude of these pieces of art for the reason that it makes them unique and sets them apart from other great works of art in film.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Human resource - Essay Example The act further prevents employers from using force or threat of retaliation to influence employees’ freedom and right to elect, democratically, their unions for representation. The act also identifies an organization’s supervisor as part of its management. This means that a supervisor is an organization’s agent and the organization is therefore vicariously liable for its supervisors’ actions (Bramball, 2012). The same act however identifies management’s right to influence unions’ elections through tactful initiatives (DeCrew, 2003). Applying these principles supports my decision to uphold the elections because even though the supervisor made repeated appearances near the union’s meeting, his action does not communicate any form of threat to retaliate on the union. This undermines applicability of threat of reprisal against the union. Even though the supervisor is an agent to the organization, his action is consistent with the manageme nt’s right to use its tactics to influence union elections (Bramball, 2012; DeCrew,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Social Work - The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Essay

Social Work - The Victoria Climbie Inquiry - Essay Example That is the only way in which vulnerable children are let down by the system. Every child matters have two main goals. First, to protect children and second, to ensure that every child can fulfill their potential. Social workers have to develop a better understanding about the positive impact of educational achievement on the well-being of children in care and accept that it is a key part of their responsibilities to promote their learning. They must meet the challenging targets set by central and local government in relation to the stability of care and school placements. Social workers must take all procedures to increase the range of choice of placements of all kinds. As per Victoria Climbie Inquiry, there are five aspects of the reform is essential to improve plight of the children in the society. They are (1) prevention, (2) early intervention, (3) improving specialist service, (4) Every Child matters regognises the need to work altogether and (5) having the right people to do the job. There are still significant gaps in our knowledge of educational outcomes for children in care.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Chinese Maze Murders, Feudalism, Chinese Universities in the Assignment

The Chinese Maze Murders, Feudalism, Chinese Universities in the Middle Ages - Assignment Example The implication of the statement is that a person might receive different treatment according to the family background that they come from. The death penalty is very common in this society, and it seems to be performed as a public spectacle. As it turns out, Yoo Kee is ultimately killed with a knife and then sliced to pieces in front of a watching crowd (Van Gulik 305). Another surprising aspect of life in the time of Judge Dee is that it is quite acceptable for men to have three or four wives, and these seem to be organized in a strict hierarchy, with a â€Å"First Lady† who is in charge, and the others following after with lower rank. There is clearly a lot of competition and resentment within families because of this, and it may be that many of the crimes committed out of love are caused by this situation. There must have been many younger men who could not find a legal partner because the women are all taken by older, richer and more powerful men. The marriages are also ar ranged for political or financial reasons, and this makes it very difficult, especially for the women, who have no choice in the matches made for them. I would not like to live in this society because of the high level of violence that existed, both from criminals, and from government officials, and because of the very strict separation between different gender roles. The contrast between Dark Orchid and her sister White Orchid illustrates this point perfectly: Dark Orchid is criticized because she is â€Å"headstrong† and â€Å"should have been born a boy† while her sister is praised for being â€Å"quiet and obedient† and having â€Å" a soft, pliable character† (Van Gulik 135). The ideal woman just does what she is told, while any girl with a mind of her own is seen as less attractive.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organizational Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Organizational Managment - Essay Example This is because social media like facebook and twitter or even skype is the way to capture the attention of a larger group of people especially the youth and hence making it easier to know their thoughts and even challenges and way forward suggestions about health care in general. There are however also challenges and especially concerning the use of technology and social media. One of the greatest challenges is that of confidentiality which should be a priority where QI in health care is involved. There is also risk of the systems being hacked and sensitive health care information falling into the wrong hands. The other challenge is that with new changes in the QI of health care sector, there are required resources in terms of technicians qualified to handle these changes and also monetary resources to install the new systems and to advertise or even collect information over the social media. More time will therefore be necessary for the above to be completed and this may affect the current QI process in place (Sollecito and Johnson,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Prosecutor report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Prosecutor report - Term Paper Example While wearing masks, the offenders stormed the store. Offender B hit the guard with the butt of his gun in order to knock him down and held hostage two patrons in a small closet. Offender A went to the manager’s office threatened the manager and ordered her to fill their bag with money. In the process, offender A noticed an employee trying to trigger a silent alarm and shot the employees dead. The offenders left the parking lot with offender A driving the vehicle carelessly and at a high speed. A patrolling Montgomery County police officer noticed the carelessly driven car and tried to stop the car, but the offenders tried to escape resulting in a high speed chase. After the chase, the offenders escaped on foot and tried to resist arrest but were overpowered and arrested by the police. Basing on these facts, the two offenders committed multiple offenses that are punishable under the Maryland’s statute codes and the US law in general. Offender A Maryland Criminal Statuto ry Code Criminal Charge Facts relevant to this charge Maximum Criminal Penalty (Felony/ misdemeanor) CL  § 7-105 Motor vehicle theft .The defendant stole a Ford Explorer that he intended to use in robbing a liquor distributor store. The defendant is guilty of a felony and subject to a sentence of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine not exceeding $ 5,000, or both  § 3-403. Robbery with dangerous weapon. ... The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor and liable for a $10,000 fine or imprisonment of up to five years or both.  § 2-201. Murder in the first degree. During robbery, the defendant shot and killed a liquor distributor employee as he was trying to trigger a secret security alarm. The defendant is guilty of a felony and is subject to life imprisonment without a parole, death sentence or life imprisonment.  § 21-901.1. Reckless and negligent driving. The defendant was spotted by a patrolling Montgomery County police officer driving erratically and at a very high speed. The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor involving careless and high speed driving and is subject to a fine of $1000.  § 9-408. Resisting or interfering with arrest. After the robbery and while driving carelessly, the police attempted to stop the car using Sirens and emergency light, but the men evaded the police triggering a speed chase. The defendant ran the car into a guard rail and Fled. After a chase, they physi cally fought with the police officers who tried to arrest them. After the struggle, the men were arrested by the police. The defendant is guilty of misdemeanor for violating this section and should be subjected to a fine not exceeding $5,000,imprisonment that does not exceed 3 years or both imprisonment and fine.  § 7-104. General theft provisions. The defendant together with his compatriot were in possession of a stolen car that they used in robbery, escaped with it and abandoned it after it had rammed into guardrail. Since the truck exceeds $100,000, the defendant is guilty of a felony and is subject to a fine not exceeding $25,000 and imprisonment not exceeding 25 years or both. Offender B Maryland Criminal

Research on Sure Thing by David Ives Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

On Sure Thing by David Ives - Research Paper Example The actions, reactions, beliefs, attitude and character psychology become the most important part of the play and create the definite response that is expected in the play. The concept of Sure Thing is then dependent on the psychological associations and expectations that change throughout the play and are defined by the layers to the character. The main concept that Ives uses to characterize the changes in the psychology is through Betty and Bill and their relationship that grows as they get to know each other. The psychology of the characters and the way that they relate to each other changes when the bell rings. By this occurring, the correct scenario is created in the end, which the author creates as being significant by the statement of â€Å"sure thing.† The bell changing the scene becomes the signifier that is attributed to the play and leads to the main concepts of psychological relationships and how this creates both the play and the relationships which are held betwe en two individuals. The changes in relationship become the stabilizer in the play because of the continuous changes in the character. This is done to define the main attributes of the characters while changing these with acceptance or rejection based on personality (Hauptmann 1). The dimensions of the characters and displays which are created by building continuous changes in identity as a psychological, as opposed to a physical, attribute (Rusko Hamar 509). The concept of character identity expression is one which is traditionally used in places to identify the specific attributes which each individual has. Voice fluctuations, differences in costumes and divisions are used to create the identity. Within each of these are symbols to show that the individual represents a specific set of characteristics, specifically which they never go out of. The personality features are then able to create an understanding that specific psychological attributes are associated with the main classifi cations of the day while building changes that relate only to the main characteristic and identity. This specific concept is used with a variety of plays and is expected as a main component in traditional theater (Rusko Hamar 509). The difference with Ives work is that the same characters are used. The only difference is in how the character chooses to respond and what is associated with this alteration. For instance, when Bill is talking to Betty, both make several statements that are not considered as psychologically acceptable by Betty. At these times, the bell rings and a different persona is taken. An example of this is when Bill starts to ask Betty more personal questions. â€Å"Bill: Do you come in here a lot? Betty: Every once in a while. Do you? Bill: Not so much anymore. Not as much as I used to. Before my nervous breakdown. (bell)† (Act 1, scene 1). This is one of several examples that show the transparent psychology which is stated becomes unacceptable. The bell a llows this to be avoided and a different characteristic or psychological response to be replaced with the information that is given. By changing the response and characteristic, there is the ability to create the right layers to the character until one fits with the other in terms of psychological responses. The ability to break the psychological attributes and characteristics of both of the characters is one which doesn’t take place as a voice only of the several sides of Betty and Bill. There are also

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marxist Analys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marxist Analys - Essay Example Either form is a function of value which holds consistent the equivalence among its forms yet value itself varies depending on its meaning in the state of economy. Once the value is challenged in the process, regardless of form, its own size or magnitude is also subject to alter. Under Marx’s proposition, this is the stage around which ‘capital’ executes and comes in the scene to yield to a definition based on the shaping of the value, not the shifting of its form. On stating â€Å"Value therefore now becomes value in process, money in process, and as such, capital†, Marx likely signifies ‘process’ and argues how this is essential for the life of a capital where value is at work and its progress with changing measure determines capital. Without such process, it would be difficult to interpret capital and its purpose since the event of adding or subtracting from a value is characteristic of incorporating a function that would later meet the objective of generating a projected output or necessity such as income which is itself affected by the processed value. Marx pertains to the dilemma of treating ‘capital’ in terms of how it should emerge in and out of the circulation. The conflict, however, is not concerned about the presence of capital on either condition as being within or beyond circulation but Marx uses negation with ‘cannot’ and ‘impossible’ to emphasize the difficulty of designating ‘capital’ with respect to where circulation occurs. Though this is the case, Marx insists â€Å"it must have its origin both in circulation and not in circulation.† In order to settle the butterfly issue with capital, Marx resolves to have the double effect defeat its ground. Due to the fundamental property attached to capital, Marx proposes for capital to be conceived out of allowing circulation to adjust to the intrinsic laws of exchange. It is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Budget Management Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Budget Management - Article Example s and challenges in the wake of the budget management realms would entirely focus on how well I shape up the different avenues of growth and development within the community college and how well my role has been defined as per the budget considerations. The benefits that would be gained out of the budgetary discussions are manifolds. The administration would know in an adequate manner where the finances are being spent and who is liable for these costs (Wiersma, 2011). The staff would know how much is being used for what activity or task. The faculty would know what to expect out of the entire budget allocation debates and what their share would be, and the institution would know what kind of attention it is being given at the hands of the stakeholders in the long range scheme of things. A greater role of success would therefore be achieved if my incorporation is made mandatory and this is what I will bank upon in the coming

Monday, July 22, 2019

Poverty a retrospect of beliefs with the wrong reality Essay Example for Free

Poverty a retrospect of beliefs with the wrong reality Essay As children we see life through a different set of eyes than others, and we accept the reality of our surroundings by how others judge us. We were the poor kids of the neighborhood and the others kids let us know that. My parents divorced when I was 5 and things were rough for my mother with 3 kids to raise on welfare. We thought we had it bad. Sometimes, we didn’t know where the next meal was coming from or who was going to help if things got worse; I remember we would stand in line to receive the food box for the month. Mom would put meals together and then she would leave for several weeks at a time, being on the road working for the Roller Derby. We never knew who our babysitters were going to be or if they were going to treat us with some sort of dignity and respect. Many times we took matters into our own hands and got rid of them and others just left, because we were not always the best behaved kids in the world, and we were always in some kind of trouble. The cops would bring us home at least 3 times a week for doing some crazy thing in the neighborhood, or stealing something from the local store to eat. After a while the cops and the store owners would just ask if we had something to eat or if there was something that we needed. Those were the days when people did come together and help others that were less fortunate, and we definitely needed the help. Our cousins lived in Firestone Park, a suburb of Los Angeles. They had some of the same obstacles to overcome except they did not have the community support that we received. My aunt was a single mother and did not receive food stamps. As I think back now on the difference between our lives, and the obstacles they faced compared to ours, we had it made. We faced challenges just as they did; I have been behind bars many times in my life. Both I and my older brother had interventions that changed our lives. My brother found out that the only way to change his life was to change his environment and look for other ways to support himself and his family than drugs. There were no food boxes available to my cousins and the cops were not as forgiving as they were in our neighborhood; the cops took my cousins to juvenile hall. There is one difference between my cousins and my family; they were half black and white. They were not looked at with the same sympathetic eyes as us and they told us about the way they were treated by the people of the city, and putting you all behind bars was the only way to solve the problem. From early on in their lives, they had to face the harsh reality that they were not treated the same as others even in their own community. Being called names by the other kids in the neighborhood, they had to fight everyday just to earn respect and they became the aggressors. They did things that we never thought of at our age, but that was the live they lived. My cousins went to juvenile hall very early on, and when they would get out, it did not take long for them to be locked up again. One of my cousins has spent over 3/4th of his life behind bars, and that is the only life he knows. We had spent a couple of days here and there in juvenile hall where they spent months throughout their teenage years. They did not have the same kind of caring community members as we did in our little part of the world; being a big city, crime was a way of life for kids there. There were not many options for the young people and joining a gang and the reality of death was just an everyday part of life. Drug abuse was prevalent and my cousins excelled in the life of crime. If it had not been for the YMCA in our community and the people that were placed into our lives, things for us could have been just as it was for my cousins. Both of my brothers have been in jail a time or two, except for my youngest brother who is spending the rest of his life in prison. He was sentenced to 25 to life, 25 to life and 18 years for crimes he was involved in 1994. I moved away from Stockton, California in 1996. My older brother moved away several years after I did and he now lives in Waldport, Oregon. He is a well respected part of the community. My journey began in 1995, after suffering a heart attack behind an overdose of Methamphetamine; I knew that I needed to change my life when I woke from the coma, and the charges that I was facing from running from the law for over 2 years. The judge whom I went in front of gave me my way out, but the road was not going to be easy. I had to complete a drug program, pay up all my fines and go to parenting classes. My kids had suffered long enough; they had to deal with all my addictions, the stealing, lying and cheating. It was going to be a battle, but I was willing to do what it was going to take to put my life back on the right track. The judge looked at me and told me â€Å"that if you do not complete this program and do all the requirements that I have set forth, that I would be facing 15 to 20 years straight time†. Thanks to the Veterans Administration and a Stockton Sheriff named Officer Garcia, the judge was going to give me a chance of a lifetime. All of the charges against me were to be dropped, and my records sealed and I would have a fresh start in life. The judge said it was against his better judgment to give me this opportunity, but I had a lot of people willing to give me a chance. He was looking forward to putting me behind bars. My cousins never had any kind of opportunities such as the one I was given and they were criminals and they would be punished to the full extent of the law. All of my cousins are in prison for life because of 3 strikes law. One of my cousins was not so lucky; He was shot and killed by the Los Angeles police that said he had pulled out a gun but none was ever found. They called it justifiable shooting, also known as guilt by association. I look back at the events of my life and realize that we were not poor by any means compared to other families in the Los Angeles area. The opportunities we had been given were not there for them and although we committed some of the same crimes, their punishment was more severe. I could never imagine being where I am today. I thank God for the people I have had in my life that gave me some different perspectives and hope that I could have more than I ever dreamed of. I look at how my cousins were raised and they way we were, and there are similarities, but we had it easy compared to them. Being of two different nationalities and dealing with the everyday stresses of the big city life must have been a burden that I am not sure if we would have survived. I must admit that life was not always rosy and wonderful, but we always had a roof over our heads and we might not have had the best meals but at least we had one. I am grateful to all the people I have had in my life that thought there was something to fight for and never let me give up hope. I pray for my cousins every day and give thanks to the lord for all that I have been given. Works Cited †. Howell, James, Decker, Scott H. â€Å"The Youth Gangs, Drugs, and Violence Connection Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, January 1999. U. S. Department of Justice. Boyz N the Hood Singleton, John. 1991. Columbia Pictures

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Environmental Analysis of Malaysia Airlines

Environmental Analysis of Malaysia Airlines The general environment represents the outer layer of the environment which are international, technological, sociocultural, economic, and the legal-political. The task environment includes all sectors that have a direct working relationship with the organization, customers, competitors, suppliers, and labour. International element is represents the events originating in foreign countries. Technological element includes scientific and technological advancements in a specific industry and society. Sociocultural element represents the demographic characteristics such as norms, customs, and values of the general populations. Economic element is divided into and socialist. Capitalist means the organization will get the entire profit where else socialist means the production own by state or government. The legal political are about the government law and regulations as well as political activities designed to influence company behaviour. Customers are the people who acquire goods and service from the organization. Competitors and client are the other organization from the same industry that provides goods or services to the same set of customers. Supplier is the people who provide raw materials for the organization to provide output. Labour supply is the people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization and can influence the organization labour markets. Government Agencies are the agency that provide services and monitor compliance through laws and regulations. As mention in the company profile at Hoovers website, Malaysia Airlines serves about 80 destinations on six continents, some via code-sharing, from its hub in Kuala Lumpur. According to an interview (En-Lai Yeoh, Associated Press Writer 2006), Idris Jala quoted that although MAS have many international competitors, the top competitors are among the regional rivals Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Thai Airways and Gulf Air. Low cost flight was also launch in Malaysia, few years back and named Air Asia. It became MAS local competitor. At first MAS was not really affected as this low cost flight named, Air Asia, only control the local state destination with a very cheap price. Slowly, Air Asia attract customer to fly using its flight. After sometimes, Air Asia launched its destination to outside Malaysia. MAS were affected not only by Air Asia but also other country low cost flight. MAS will face many difficulties if they were to beat the low cost flights pricing range. Malaysian professional and skillful increased and they tend to travel quite frequent which they will seek for the great service with time efficiency offered, especially the successful businessman. In order for MAS to respond to the customer needs, they have send spies to their rival. This is one of the way that MAS can improve their weakness and at the same time to learn their rivals weakness part. By receiving quite a number of awards, many customers were attracted. Idris Jala quoted that the trade secret is MAS must establish the lowest fare, which all international routes will have designated seats matching their competitions lowest fare. Currently MAS has also introduced their low cost flight called Fire Fly. Ticketing system were upgraded that able to monitor ticket prices to match the lowest offered by its competition on similar routes and possibly review its fuel surcharge, Idris Jala added (En-Lai Yeoh, Associated Press Writer 2006). Malaysia Airlines has provided a very friendly website for its own respective customer which is providing the full controlling of the ticket booking system with all the details such as number of passengers, destination and so on to the very specific details. Malaysia Airlines has some such as partners with Malaysia-based Maxis Communications Berhad and UK-based AeroMobile Limited to offer in-flight mobile services such as voice calls, SMS, emails services to Maxis post-paid customers. The rest of the facilities and services are the same as the other airlines like for in cabin services like providing the international meals as well as local food for Malaysians or Entertainment systems for watching Movie or playing games and also checking the status of the flight. The airline provided the customers insurance during the flight hours in case if anything happened to the customers they will be responsible for it . And passengers can only carrying 30 KG for their luggage. Malaysia airline has been provided such a facility that if the customers accidently miss the flight they can just simple take the next possible flight. But sometimes customers need to pay some amounts to join the next flight and its all depends on the type of tickets that they purchased. Sometimes for Malaysia Airlines ticket discounts will be. those few months before your travel tickets are purchased. And discounts for students that is considered. such as GRADS the frequent flyer card for students. This card has local and international students. That students can use this card costs less to have their flights. In the recent years, Malaysian Airlines (MAS) has been continuously improving their services with accordance to the rise in social network as well as smartphone users. New applications such as MHmobile, MHdeals, and MHbuddy complement each other to draw better publicity along with a good flow of business. A user-friendlier navigation following the websites makeover has served no less. Existing yet innovative technology such as the Select in-flight entertainment system has also given MAS an extra edge over their competitors. REFERENCES 1. Malaysian Airlines (2011) Malaysia Airlines Launches Going Places iPad App Investor Relations: News. [Accessed 23 February 2011] 2. Malaysian Airlines (2011) Refreshed Mas Website To Enhance Customer Experience Investor Relations: News. [Accessed 23 February 2011] 3. SITA (2011) Malaysia Airlines adopts SITA reservations system as turnaround enters new phase SITA: Specialists in air transport communications and IT solutions. [Accessed 23 February 2011] 4. Luxury Travel Source (2011) Malaysian Airline Airfares from Luxury Travel Source Luxury Travel Source: Discount Travel Company offering Business Class Airfare tickets for Destinations worldwide. [Accessed 24 March 2011] 5. Malaysian Airline System Berhad (10601-W) (2009). 2009 Annual Report: Investing in Growth. Subang Jaya, KL: Malaysia Airlines System. 6.

Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals

Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals An open Source Software for creating 3D Visuals and example for possibility of using Smartphone for Physics Education Abstract There are many students who cannot understand concepts and ideas in physics only with plane static diagrams. The understanding of processes, dynamic phenomena or geometric relations can be enhanced with the use of computer animations POV-Ray is a freely available 3D rendering open source package which has the potential of creating animations not only for physics education but in general for science and technology education. The focus of this paper is the use of POV-Ray to create 3D animations and 3D static illustrations to visualize the packing arrangements, voids and crystal structures which are compulsory in solid state physics curriculum in undergraduate physics and explore the possibility of introducing them to use in smartphones. INTRODUCTION Computers today play an important role in acquiring and applying scientific knowledge, facilitating the learning process. There has been growing research interest in studying the impact of ICT on educational processes, in parallel with the expansion of easy access to many learners around the world [1-4]. Animation plays a major role in ICT based education and it has been demonstrated that animations serves several instructional roles such as attracting and directing attention; simulating dynamic processes and complex phenomena [5,6].As many students are not able to understand 3D environment properly, it very common, crystal structures are explained using commercially available plastic models in many classrooms. Solid State Physics (Condense Matter Physics) course which is compulsory for physics students throughout the world, one of the learning outcomes is underrating crystal structures. Students often fail to understand close packing arrangements, shape and nature of the existing vo ids, number of atoms around and separation of layers by looking at a plane static diagrams accommodated in text books. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their solid state physics curricular interest, but also to highlight the potential of integrating the POV-Ray rendering package for physics education and science education. As the smartphones are no longer unaffordable luxury gadget for the students, educators embrace the smartphonesto engage with their students and encourage new learning strategies[7-9].The smartphones users are rapidly growing among Sri Lankan undergraduates 3D visual created in this study were checked on smooth playing on smartphone with the intension of distributing among the students in the future. 1.1 POV-RAY OPEN SOURCE POV-Ray stands for the Persistence of Vision Ray-tracer, a tool for producing high-quality computer graphics[10].Ray-tracing is a rendering technique that calculates an image of a scene by simulating the way rays of light travel in the real world. In the real world, rays of light are emitted from a light source and illuminate objects. The light reflects by the objects or passes through transparent objects. This reflected light can form images in human eyes or in a camera. The user specifies the location of the camera, light sources, and objects as well as the surface texture properties of objects, their interiors and environment. POV-Ray scenes are created in a special text language called a â€Å"scene description language (SDL)†. POV-Ray can be used for animation too. Computer animation is the process of drawing objects on a computer screen, that then appearto move around the screen. It can be done displaying a series of stationary scenes with very short time between two scenes. 2. METHOD The production of a 3D images has mainly two stages; writing and debugging source files and rendering. One has to choose the positions to locate the required objects, light source to illuminate the scene and appropriate camera position to capture, more technically called render,the scene. POV-Ray uses a simple Cartesian coordinate (Fig 1) system making easy to identify the suitable location. Figure 1. Pov-ray coordinate system (+Z axis into the computer screen) There are simple Pov-Ray SDL codes to generate almost all geometrical objects such as, box, sphere, and cylinder etc. The object â€Å"sphere† is the most appropriate object to represents the atoms while â€Å"cylinders’ to represent the atomic link.For the creation of scenes and animation described in this paper, exact coordinates of the object locations were simply calculated considering the dimension of the objects. Positioning light source to illuminate the scene, camera was located to get the suitable view. As an example following codes capture the scene, locating the camera at looking at origin, . camera { location look_at } Animations were created generating series of scenes, called frames, looking at the scene from various angles. Movie maker software such as Windows Film Maker, VirtualDub etc.can be used to play the frames continuously to make animation. Animation can be created as either animated jip or as AVI movie.A basic illustration of the process is shown below (Figure 3). Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Software used to Create Animations 3. SAMPLE CREATIONS The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing (HCP) arrangement of spheres in the space (Figure 4.a). Hexagonal and cubic close packing arrangement (CCP)are explained to the student with the help of static plane diagrams. Many students are failed to understand these arrangements clearly. Even if they are able to explain the nature of alternative layering of the two arrangements, HCP and CCP, few students understand the nature of the voids available in such arrangement. This is valid for any average student, but of cause there may students who can understand those arrangements without any visual aid. The visual are made not for the aforementioned few students but for the majority to strengthen the understanding. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their curricular interest, but also to highlight some of the features of the POV-Ray rendering package. The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing arrangement (figure 1). As the arrangement is slowly rotates about the vertical axis which passes through the central sphere axis shown, the viewer can interactively explore the symmetry and geometric details for these configurations. (a)(b) Figure 4. Side view of HCP arrangement (b) Top view CCP arrangement Visuals below (Figure 5) illustrate, Body Centered Cubic unit cell (a), and diamond type structure (c)and NaCl structure respectively. These creations are also possible to view from different angles, facilitating to learner to explore the structures. (b)(c) Figure 5: (a) Body Centered Cubic unit cell (b) diamond type structure (c) NaCl structure respectively. Figure 6 shows an interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site, scenes were generated from different visual angles. Figure 6 : An interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site Author has introduced these animations for university undergraduate’s and received positive feedback. Introducing the animations for smartphone users have many advantages than using them only in computers (8). Student can use them freely, anytime any place with their own desire rather using computers. 4. CONCUSION Since 3D visual aid transcends the limitations of static diagrams, it is promising tool to strengthen the understanding of various crystal structures. The animation examples that have been created in this work demonstrate that it is possible to create high quality 3-D animations using open source POV-Ray. POV-Ray visualization provides free access to sophisticated 3-D graphics rendering that could cost thousands of rupees commercially. It is worth explore the potential of Pov–Ray to simulate other complex concepts in physics to make the process of learning more independent and , student oriented. It has been confirmed that there is no any technical incompatibilities embedding these creation on smartphones. The evolution of the modern technology has to be integrated to physics teaching and make learning process more attractive. 5. REFERENCES Muller,D.A, Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education (2008), Ph. D thesis Michael R. Gallis, Ping Wang, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Exposition, American Society for Engineering Aravind, VR and Tangrirala, S Open source software for visualization in condensed matter Physics, Lat. Am. J. Physics (2012) vol 6, No, 4, pp 538-540 Poddar, A, Teaching of the phenomena of free, damped and forced oscillations in physics through an all-inclusive java applet,Physics Education, Vol 29, No. 1, Park, O. C., Gittelman, S. S. (1992). Selective use of animation and feedback in computer-based instruction. Educational Technology, Research, and Development, 40 (4), 27-38. Park, O. (1998). Visual Displays and Contextual Presentations in Computer Based Instruction. Educational Technology Research Development, 46 (3), pp. 18-32. Woodcock, B Middleton, B and Nortcliffe,AConsidering the Smartphone Learner: an investigation into student interest in the use of personal technology to enhance their learning, Student Engagement and Experience,, Journal Volume 1, Issue 1 (on line journal) JISC,Multimedia learning with mobile phones. Innovative Practices with E-learning. Case Studies: Anytime, Any Place Learning. [Online] Online at: Coca, D,M and Slisko, J. Software Socrative and Smartphones as Tools For Implementation of Basic Processes of Active Physics Learning in Classroom: An Initial Feasibility Study With Prospective Teachers, European J of Physics Education,Vol.4,Issue,2,2013 Wikipedia,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Thomas Malthus :: essays papers

Thomas Malthus Two hundred years ago, Thomas Robert Malthus wrote â€Å"An Essay on the principle of population† in which he argued that the world population would increase faster than the food supply. This would cause disastrous results for the general human welfare. A world population of 250 million at the time has now gone up to about 6 billion. This is in spite of wars, plagues, famine, and epidemics. World food production has been keeping pace with population growth until recently. If the world food supply had been distributed equally to each member of society in the mid 1980’s, with a population of 4.7 billion people, each person would have gotten a weekly diet of 11 ponds. This included meat, grains, and fish. In today’s society, the population has increased over one billion and the food supply has gone down to about 10 pounds per person per week. A world population of 10 to 11 billion by mid century would leave each person with only 6 to 7 pounds per week. This is the same as the diet that people living in poverty get in our present day society. However, by trying to help poverty, we are (according to Malthus) making the situation worse. IN the short run, there seems to be an improvement because those poor people are better off and can do well. This situation would lead to a larger population than before. This in turn would lead to more people becoming impoverished due to lack of food supply. Malthus believed that if people left poverty alone, it would take care of itself. At the start of the 21st Century, it is very easy to debunk his starting point that population grows â€Å"geometrically† while food supply only â€Å"arithmetically†. This will lead to a widening gap between population and food supply. However, by saying that, he was mistaken, the improving technology has meant that food supply has also increased geometrically. If we were to take a mathematical approach to this, population, food production, energy use, industrial production, waste production, etc. are all increasing under mechanisms that can shown on an exponential curve like a parabola, then all will be approaching a vertical asymptote.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Total Quality Management (TQM) :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

TQM1 TQM in Foodservice Introduction One of the most important industries overall is the food industry. The food industry consists of everything from food processing plants to fast food restaurants. The food industry affects nearly every living person. Most people don't realize how important this industry is and how it affects their everyday lives. That is why it is so critical that the products of this industry are at their highest quality, are free of bacteria and ensure that the consumer will not face any detrimental consequences. Total Quality Management (TQM) plays a big role in promising these results. Total Quality Management seems to be a confusing term for the layman. TQM is a philosophy advocated by Dr. Edward Deming, a world renowned quality guru. It was widely accepted by Japan from 1950 onward. They used this principle for continuous refinement of an organization-wide quality system. Since then many organizations around the world have adopted TQM or similar methodologies. There have been many successes and many reported failures. Success of the system depends on the total commitment of the people to quality from top to bottom within the organization. TQM implementation is based on team work and the philosophy of continuous improvement. Statistics need to be used extensively to analyze and reduce the variation in the process. In the food industry, continuous improvement is vital to the survival of a specific company or restaurant. The customer is constantly purchasing the products of competitors and any decline in quality will equal a decrease in gross profits. There are several areas that a restaurant may focus on for quality improvement such as menu offerings, hospitality, service, cleanliness, and over all food quality. All of these aspects will be covered in this paper concerning Total Quality Management. Summary Employee & Product Quality Various well known companies such as Ritz-Carlton Hotels and Taco Bell have implemented Total Quality Management programs in an effort to increase quality and market share. Ritz-Carlton of Kansas City, Missouri, recently revamped menu selections for its rooftop-level restaurant and bar operation. This came about through customer surveys, focus-group studies of local restaurant patrons, employee opinions, and market analysis. This began with the general manager, Norm Howard, as TQM must start at the top to be successful. He states that "It [TQM] is about listening to your customers and empowering your employees to participate in important business decisions" (Stephenson, 1993). Taco Bell, with the implementation of a Total Quality Management system, has improved its speed of service, friendliness of service, and value for money ratings. This company has done this by empowering employees and seeking customer input. By integrating their employees into the system,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Perils of Affirmative Action Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Top

The Perils of Affirmative Action    On January 16th of this year, I picked up the Washington Post and read an article by Richard Cohen that weakly criticized the lack of ethnic diversity in President Bush's new cabinet. The article was an interesting analysis of the ethnicity of Bush's cabinet, but it is even more significant as it dealt with an issue that is becoming of greater concern in this country: affirmative action. This issue has affected me in the past. I live in Northern Virginia, which is a very race-neutral area, and last year during my college application process was the first time in my life when affirmative action affected me. The applications say the race checkbox is only being used for statistical purposes, but when somebody sees these tiny little words on such a very important document, who doesn't get a nagging feeling that their future might be determined by the color of their skin? A lot of students worry about this checkbox. At the time it seems so unfair. You've worked hard for four long years, t aken the SATs twice, joined as many clubs and sports as possible, and yet that might not be enough. The issue of affirmative action is an important one, one that directly shapes our economy and our country. It influences the way people work and live, but should it? The issue of race in this country lingers while it is realistic for us as a people to get rid of it. In today's society, why should race be an issue to anyone, black or white? How can we create a country that is free from fear of the "other" race? There has been a strong pull in the last few decades to ethnically diversify the workplace, as most companies have been and still are dominated by Caucasians. The call for diversification is a big facto... ... in getting a job only pits one race against another in the job market. If nothing is done about affirmative action, then it will eventually grow to become a monstrous proponent of prejudice. What, then, should be done about affirmative action? Well, I for one believe that the idea of affirmative action has become entrenched in our minds. Diversity has become very sought-after, and not just because the government is looking over people's shoulders. Therefore any existing government affirmative action programs are not needed and should be phased out. Affirmative action won't go away. It will always be in our minds, but it will no longer be binding. Employers will no longer have to worry about race in hiring an employee, just their qualifications. Only then can we as a country truly strive for equality, and an end to the race issue that has plagued us for centuries.

Two Levels of Control: Strategic and Operational

Two Levels of Control: Strategic and Operational Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. The strategic controls make sure that your ship is going in the right direction; management and operating controls make sure that the ship is in good condition before, during, and after the voyage. With that analogy in mind, strategic controlstrategic controlThe process by which an organization tracks the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas or potential problem areas that might suggest that the strategy is incorrect, and making any necessary adjustments. s concerned with tracking the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas or potential problem areas suggesting that the strategy is incorrect, and making any necessary adjustments. [716] Strategic controls allow you to step back and look at the big picture and make sure all the pieces of the picture are correctly aligned. Operational control : A process concerned with executing the strategy. , in contrast to strategic control, is concerned with executing the strategy. Where operational controls are imposed, they function within the framework established by the strategy.Normally these goals, objectives, and standards are established for major subsystems within the organization, such as business units, projects, products, functions, and responsibility centers. [717] Typical operational control measures include return on investment, net profit, cost, and product quality. These control measures are essentially summations of finer-grained control measures. Corrective action based on operating controls may have implications for strategic controls when they involve changes in the strategy.Types of Control It is also valuable to understand that, within the strategic and operational levels of control, there are several types of control. The first two types can be mapped across two dimensions: level of proactivity and outcome versus behavioral. The following table summarizes thes e along with examples of what such controls might look like. Proactivity Proactivity can be defined as the monitoring of problems in a way that provides their timely prevention, rather than after the fact reaction.In management, this is known as feedforward controlfeedforward controlsThe active monitoring of problems in a way that provides their timely prevention, rather than after-the-fact reaction. ; it addresses what can we do ahead of time to help our plan succeed. The essence of feedforward control is to see the problems coming in time to do something about them. For instance, feedforward controls include preventive maintenance on machinery and equipment and due diligence on investments. Table  15. 1. Types and Examples of Control Control Proactivity |Behavioral control |Outcome control | |Feedforward control |Organizational culture |Market demand or economic forecasts | |Concurrent control |Hands-on management supervision during a project |The real-time speed of a production line | |Feedback control |Qualitative measures of customer satisfaction |Financial measures such as profitability, sales | | | |growth | Concurrent Controls The process of monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities and processes is known as concurrent controlconcurrent controlsProcesses that entail monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities..Such controls are not necessarily proactive, but they can prevent problems from becoming worse. For this reason, we often describe concurrent control as real-time control because it deals with the present. An example of concurrent control might be adjusting the water temperature of the water while taking a shower. Feedback Controls Finally, feedback controlsfeedback controlsProcesses that involve the gathering of information about a completed activity, evaluating that information, and taking steps to improve the similar activities in the future. involve gathering information about a completed activity, evaluating that information, and taking steps to improve the similar activities in the future.This is the least proactive of controls and is generally a basis for reactions. Feedback controls permit managers to use information on past performance to bring future performance in line with planned objectives. Control as a Feedback Loop In this latter sense, all these types of control function as a feedback mechanism to help leaders and managers make adjustments in the strategy, as perhaps is reflected by changes in the planning, organizing, and leading components. This feedback loop is characterized in the following figure. Figure  15. 4. Controls as Part of a Feedback Loop [pic] Why might it be helpful for you to think of controls as part of a feedback loop in the P-O-L-C process?Well, if you are the entrepreneur who is writing the business plan for a completely new business, then you would likely start with the planning component and work your way to controlling—that is, spell out how you are going to tell whethe r the new venture is on track. However, more often, you will be stepping into an organization that is already operating, and this means that a plan is already in place. With the plan in place, it may be then up to you to figure out the organizing, leading, or control challenges facing the organization. Outcome and Behavioral Controls Controls also differ depending on what is monitored, outcomes or behaviors. Outcome controlsoutcome controlsProcesses that are generally preferable when just one or two performance measures (say, return on investment or return on assets) are good gauges of a business’s health. re generally preferable when just one or two performance measures (say, return on investment or return on assets) are good gauges of a business’s health. Outcome controls are effective when there’s little external interference between managerial decision making on the one hand and business performance on the other. It also helps if little or no coordination wi th other business units exists. Behavioral controlsbehavioral controlsThe direct evaluation of managerial and employee decision making, not of the results of managerial decisions. involve the direct evaluation of managerial and employee decision making, not of the results of managerial decisions. Behavioral controls tie rewards to a broader range of criteria, such as those identified in the Balanced Scorecard.Behavioral controls and commensurate rewards are typically more appropriate when there are many external and internal factors that can affect the relationship between a manager’s decisions and organizational performance. They’re also appropriate when managers must coordinate resources and capabilities across different business units. Financial and Nonfinancial Controls Finally, across the different types of controls in terms of level of proactivity and outcome versus behavioral, it is important to recognize that controls can take on one of two predominant forms: f inancial and nonfinancial controls. Financial controlfinancial controlThe management of a firm’s costs and expenses to control them in relation to budgeted amounts. nvolves the management of a firm’s costs and expenses to control them in relation to budgeted amounts. Thus, management determines which aspects of its financial condition, such as assets, sales, or profitability, are most important, tries to forecast them through budgets, and then compares actual performance to budgeted performance. At a strategic level, total sales and indicators of profitability would be relevant strategic controls. Without effective financial controls, the firm’s performance can deteriorate. PSINet, for example, grew rapidly into a global network providing Internet services to 100,000 business accounts in 27 countries. However, expensive debt instruments such as junk bonds were used to fuel the firm’s rapid expansion.According to a member of the firm’s board of dire ctors, PSINet spent most of its borrowed money â€Å"without the financial controls that should have been in place. †[718] With a capital structure unable to support its rapidly growing and financially uncontrolled operations, PSINet and 24 of its U. S. subsidiaries eventually filed for bankruptcy. [719] While we often think of financial controls as a form of outcome control, they can also be used as a behavioral control. For instance, if managers must request approval for expenditures over a budgeted amount, then the financial control also provides a behavioral control mechanism as well. Increasing numbers of organizations have been measuring customer loyalty, referrals, employee satisfaction, and other such performance areas that are not financial.In contrast to financial controls, nonfinancial controlsnonfinancial controlsProcesses that track aspects of the organization that aren’t immediately financial in nature but are expected to lead to positive financial perfor mance outcomes. track aspects of the organization that aren’t immediately financial in nature but are expected to lead to positive performance outcomes. The theory behind such nonfinancial controls is that they should provide managers with a glimpse of the organization’s progress well before financial outcomes can be measured. [720] And this theory does have some practical support. For instance, GE has found that highly satisfied customers are the best predictor of future sales in many of its businesses, so it regularly tracks customer satisfaction. Key Takeaway Organizational controls can take many forms.Strategic controls help managers know whether a chosen strategy is working, while operating controls contribute to successful execution of the current strategy. Within these types of strategy, controls can vary in terms of proactivity, where feedback controls were the least proactive. Outcome controls are judged by the result of the organization’s activities, w hile behavioral controls involve monitoring how the organization’s members behave on a daily basis. Financial controls are executed by monitoring costs and expenditure in relation to the organization’s budget, and nonfinancial controls complement financial controls by monitoring intangibles like customer satisfaction and employee morale.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

1776 Reading Review

Katie Cohen Ms. Kenny AP US History, Period 5 15 imposing 2012 Summer Reading Assignment David McCulloughs 1776 is an insightful and honest account of the Statess first war the rotatory war. In the record, David McCullough describes events and skirmishes that led up to the freedom of the United States of America and the events that followed it. The guard principally focuses on the military aspects of the revolutionary war. The salmagundi of firsthand account, quotes, and perspectives of both the Americans and the British put up 1776 an extremely well crafted story do up of firsthand facts.To some 1776 may not be enjoyable or engaging, however, it is very precise and descriptive. David McCullough does an exceptional line of business of explaining the Independence of America in a way that does not bore the audition like most historical biographies do. Although it is sop up from the beginning that David McCullough intentionally portrays America as the hero of the book, he al lows the reader to identify with the British and even the king of Britain at the time as well. Honest and aboveboard accounts are given towards both the Americans as well as the British.Many candid and generous accounts of the British and the Americans as put in the lead throughout the book. With much detail, David McCullough illustrates King Georges reaction to the rebellious American colonists as they begin to organize for freedom in the first chapter. He does not mold light on George Washington as a superior and more adapted general than Howe. Both American and British forces are described in clock of brilliance, luck, disappointment and shame. Not only is David McCullough unbiased, however he gives many in profundity descriptions of his characters.The reader is able to become long-familiar with the characteristics, physical appearances, and biases of a majority of the characters. Joseph reed is described as a unripe man with a long slash and a somewhat quizzical ol factory sensation in his eyes (44), and James Grant, a grossly fat, highly opinionated scot (71). The descriptions of characters clutch from the British generals, to the American traitors. They make the book understandable and complex. Overall, 1776 is an enjoyable read, however, it could have think more on he result of Independence and the effects the war had on Great Britain. McCullough delivers the history as a story, while maintaining the attention of his audience. The usage of resource is tremendous with few exceptions all of the events were illustrated vividly. Quotes of the hoi polloi who participated in the war are likely the most intriguing aspects of this book. I, personally, would recommend this book because it is intriguing and an easy way to contract essential information about the state of matter in which we live in effectively.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five various dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, wired and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The third dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a whole country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede).Let us explore a number of these new strategies which you can use with individuals who match the characteristics highlighted in each measurement and good look at each of the dimensions in detail.Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the personal experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted.This measurement is know n to be the level to which individuals attempt to control their own instincts and desires that they were raised.

It is whether an same individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A american society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and how their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the new dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a anti collectivist society.The Indulgence dimension is a new dimension into the design.The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People closer look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals what are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative.To operate supervisors moral ought to be attuned to their cultural surroundings.

The good quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait how that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive.Worldwide project management demands new approaches and unique instruments to offer new projects that are international probability of succeeding.The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance considerable Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the foreseeable future is not known. Different cultures deal with the much anxiety that this can bring.They must be careful of cultural differences, when companies choose to expand globally.

Their culture is very less resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is considerable uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and new products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new own ideas and technology.Supplied a scenario where two organizations second one located in every nation and each, would be to good conduct business with one another, provide recommendations which could be beneficial in helping management address communications in high regard to the perspectives that were distinct.A society with a new high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term important point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede).Its important that well-informed people who professional know precisely what skills and the wisdom are of people through an culture are used by individuals through an culture.

Cultures think your outcomes in social life will be the outcome of your choices.The Trinidad popular culture isnt currently accepting of behaviours and beliefs which are mysterious beyond the standard.Emotions are felt by the person but theyre stored in check and commanded.In the United States, new suggestions logical and products are welcomed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

William Wordsworth’s poem Upon Westminster Bridge is a sonnet

William Wordsworths numbers Upon Westminster bridge is a sonnet, it requires a wel deign modification that is tardily evince and un ope estimateed go hitherto accessing a large(p) count of mite and watch form. It gives several(predicate) indorsers, many an(prenominal) contrary interpretations of what the metrical composition is well-nigh, the chains and emotions tangle, yet tranquilize maintaining the ar tooshieum of what Wordsworth himself would halt had in oral sex about the importee of the metrical composition.Upon Westminster pair creates for the commentator that intellect datum of perplexity that was snarl by William Wordsworth whilst gazing upon the draw of capital of the United Kingdom and this fearfulness give nonice to a fault be felt by the indorsers themselves. This backb atomic number 53 of amazement pot be seen from the genuinely get down of the passage, background has non any subject to luff to a greater extent than( prenominal) retirely meet the run-in employ is equal a import knock despatch upon the lecturer great(p) glum a sense of phlegm and tranquillity. This purport in the linguistic communication is reflected in the airwave of the cartridge clip in which the poetry is set, ear lyingst dawning, retri scarceive as the lie is hook oning signal to build to a higher place the horizon. Where the citizens of capital of the United Kingdom be serene in bed, the quick urban center liquid sleepy and motionless.The result of spiritual symbology tolerate as well as be felt in this rime. inactive would he be the intellect who could pass by the forge drift in this suck up gives the contri barelyor the judgement of a venerating bank note. spirit is a intelligence operation that is utilize broadly speaking in a unearthly circumstance and having it in the numbers lets off the steping of the peace, and heaven termss. just theology the truly ho employ ments come out sleepy-eyed this dope be come acrossn as an stress on the reverential tone of the poem. dependable beau ideal this root to theology fits in and confirms the mind and heightens the phantasmal atmosphere.The root stanza in this poem is want an vindicateding to the rest, an appetiser. A spile so moving in its stateliness The phthisis of sight, so, its, majesty, is to rank emphases on the nutty sound of the s. This effeminacy is united to pitiable. This kingly enchant is and quiet sense of touch him, the poet, with altogether this to take in he hasnt yet wrapped the wide-eyed mantrap. This mint be seen as one of the close to classical and meaning(prenominal) lines in this passage, it uses heretofore and serenity, creating the snappishness, and linking the background k this instantledge to the poets feelings at the while.William Wordsworth uses similes in this poem to get together a life storyless thing athe likes of(p) the urban center of London, to humanity, and the lifelike conception to create a wiz of either three. This metropolis now doth like a prune go to pieces The dishful of the sunup, valet de chambre offend clothing, gowns to perk up us get wind more bewitching. What this line is face is that the metropolis wears the morning like a stunning gown, and the morning is devising the city encounter more splendid, well-favored it the fraternity to globe and qualification it come to life.The use of row with piffling syllables can assoil the indicateer feel informed. It helps appropriate a spacious arrive of item in real bitty boys. Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie open unto the fields, and to the shift looking for at this the reader would start purblind and read winged and b comeering as the list progresses, this is the square up of in short syllable words. This paints a intellectual image in the readers head as if reflexion a movie, an c ypher face with beautiful scenery, and the photographic camera pans across easily at a ever withstanding rate capturing both(prenominal) flower, every tree, hillock and a infinitesimal bee flight across the screen. gift unto the fields, and to the sky. In his root immensity v bothey, shake or hill and amongst altogether this staged dish antenna of towers and displace the bang of disposition still manages to award done and rear the entire image.The pop off stanza raps up the wholly of the poem it recreates the mood of fearfulness and similarly puts in a belittled shock. adept god the very houses seem torpid this time the skilful beau ideal is employ in a different trend. It serves the conclusion of increase the unearthly feeling, but in like manner heightens the fearfulness and pushes it into shock. It is use about in a blue-blooded way utilise theologys pattern in vain.William Wordsworths penchant of beauty is revealed not exactly in the images and similes he chose to use, but in any case in the graciously play sentences. The riming of the abide word in the freshman and last stanza reinforces the fear Wordsworth felt all his life to the God he understand to be in all nature. Wordsworths genius and poetry were profoundly influenced by his love of nature, romanticising what he axiom in the essential world.